Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mapping out your Career!

It has been over 7 months since I graduated from Lindenwood University, with a B.A. in not-for-profit management. Since then, I took a job selling websites, advertising, tried to start a business, and now sell hair care products to salons.

The field of not-for-profit (my passion) has yet to cross my path, so I wondered; why in the world did I get a degree in non-profit management and start my career as a salesman?

Today I took out one of my old text books (GOD thats like taking out an old girlfriend on a "I've got no one date") and started flipping through it. So many ideas started racing through my head. Is it possible for a social-preneur to get excited about sales? Why do I take jobs in fields that do not relate to my interests?

I want to help people and make a difference. I want to change society for the better, but currently, I can not find a cause or issue I am interested in. Of course I want to help where it is needed but, where do you find the need?

I know that a sales career is helping people help themselves. The good thing about selling hair care products is that you don’t get thrown out on you ass, like in advertising sales, however, I wonder how big a difference do I make in peoples life?

Growing up I was always in the leadership role, but now not so much. I like the idea of leading organizations, setting the culture, and helping people grow; how do you do that as the salesman?

This blog was a lot of philosophical personal question, I know that. I recommend that in your daily journal you take some time to jot down some of your questions you have about your life. I read somewhere that questions are like the road map, you keep driving and driving thinking you know exactly where you are, but you have no idea (you’re truly lost). You reach into the glove box and pull out the folded up QUESTIONS. I can't ever fold the questions back up and put them back in the glove box!

What are your goals for the future?

I recently read a good book that helped me re-evaluate my goals. In previous post I wrote about ideas of value-goals. It is important for you as the reader to understand the value-goal before you continue reading this post.

I found it is easied to focus on your goals if you separate them into seperate catagories. The catagories let your mind develop ways to help each happen. Our brains work simaliar to a computer and by labeling the files it is easier for you to recall the goal every day. Next, filing your goals allow you to pull or draw from other information that can be vital in accomplishing that goal. Lastly, Filing goals help you to create a balanced life.

The three catagories I used when setting my goals include: health, wealth, and love. According to all the books I have read, and experience I have gained, goals are not accomplished just because you write them down. In a previous post you will learn that goals are accomplished when you do the following: Read about topics related to your goals, write about ideas and actions to accomplish your goals, investigate or ask people questions that relate to your goal, and lastly, speak or talk about your goals. (do forget you have to provide the actions, take opprotunities, and not procrastinate.

My Goals Broken Down:
Chemical: I will enjoy not smoking and abuseing alchol
Physical: I will enjoy weighin 185 lbs
Mental: I will enjoy reading 3 new books per month
Financial: I will enjoy my first day as a millionare
Work: I will enjoy making over $100,000 a year
Lifestyle: I enjoy vacations once a year and appreciate the people that help around the house.
Friends: I will have 6 groups of friends that get along with my wife
Family: I will spend more time envolved with my family every year.
Sexual: ************** Not appropriate

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

Have you ever made someone put their money where their mouth is? Two years ago, as a college student, I was leading a fundraising campaign for our Annual American Humanics Golf Tournament. American Humanics is a campus organization that develops non profit leaders. The goal was $5,000 and it was going to come from HOLE sponsorships.

As the fundraising chair, I began to make it my personal goal to raise all the money as I loved the organization, and I wanted it to continue to grow for future nonprofit leaders. Chris Burk, was the president, Bryon Haverstick, was the vice president, Sheryl Guffy was the Dean of Humanics and Jack Beckerle was our Campus Advisor. Not to mention Jack was my fundraising teacher the semester prior.

Sitting in my dorm room I began to think back to last semester: What did Jack teach us?

Raising money lessons:
The Board of Directors, The volunteers, and the staff have to buy into the mission and support the organization with their time, talents, and money.
Ask for specific amounts, People will give you $100 if you ask for it but they could give you $20 if you ask for a donation
Have one major Goal for the entire campaign, and have all the specific reasons that you are raising money lined out for people to follow.
Before you can ask for money you must first have give your donation.

So I finished my planning, and I had three levels of sponsorships $50 silver, $75 gold, and the big $100 platinum donation levels. I also completed designing the pledge cards with all the future goals of American Humanics.

The next day I had a conversation with Jack our student advisor after his new fundraising class let out. The conversation went a little like this:

Me: Hi JACK how are you?
Jack: Fine, how is the fundraising going
Me: Great! However, Last year I had this very WISE professor teach me that the first people to give during the annual campaign should be the people with the most invested interest. And I would say that the student Advisor has an Invested interest. What would you say!
Jack: Nathan you are killing me.
Me: Jack that $100 hole sponsorship pledge card is due by next Friday for all board member and advisors.
Jack: Nathan you made me put my money where my mouth is!

We laughed and I became $100 closer to our fundraising goal.

How much do you give?

Friday, January 12, 2007

4 Ways to Attract Success

Sometimes living everyday it’s hard, when going through the motions, to step back and evaluate where you are and where you want to be. There is always something that is important and needs to get finished. As we grow older time seems to fly by and personal time disappears. It’s funny and ironic that: in our personal time we as humans dream, discover, and explore our inner most desires.

So, as the days go on, the time for planning our future is reduced to the carpet that needs replacing and the PRM report need by Friday. Is it possible to find time to dream?

It is in those times of dream, discover, and exploration ideas are created, enterprises are discovered, and communities are changed. If it is true that success attracts success; how do we get the ball rolling with all of the other challenges in our lives? Can a person continue their life, job, and responsibilities and make a difference in the future?

The following and methods used to create success, build wealth, and fulfill dreams

I have discovered 4 ways to get the ball rolling and get on the right track. These methods are for people dedicated to taking the lead in life and are methods used by many of the world’s most successful people.

1). Read
It seems simple enough, however my suggestions is to read things you are already interested in. By reading you can begin to distort your experience cure. Reading can eliminate many of the problems someone else had in your similar situation. Reading expands your mind and helps you to dream. Reading can be accomplished while standing in line or waiting for an order. I read somewhere that if you read about a topic for thirty min. every day for the next five years, about one topic, by the fifth year you would be an expert on that particular subject.

2). Write
Keep a note pad and when you have an idea where ever you are jot it down. After six months go back and read through your note pad. If you remember what you were writing about it is probably important to you. Not only is it important to write ideas down on note pads. It’s important to make lists of things needed to be accomplished, and to keep a calendar. It is also important to develop writing skills; it will help with person to person communication.

3). Investigate
Ask thousand of questions about the things you are interested in. When you do this you first do not come across as a know it all, and second, by asking questions people will begin to realize you are interested in one particular subject and lead you in the direction of answers. People will be on the look out for you. Say you wanted to change the local community center for the better. By asking questions people you know will lead you to where you want to be.

4). Speak
It is funny that when you share information how much more knowledgeable you become. (A side note: people’s number one fear is public speaking.) Many times the thing that keeps people from accomplishing thier goals respectfully is fear of success. By overcoming your fear of public speaking you are moving psychologically into a transition and therefore able to tear down the mental barrier that keeps you from becoming successful. It is not only important for you to speak but it is also important for you to listen to others speak.

How successful are you?