Saturday, January 27, 2007

What are your goals for the future?

I recently read a good book that helped me re-evaluate my goals. In previous post I wrote about ideas of value-goals. It is important for you as the reader to understand the value-goal before you continue reading this post.

I found it is easied to focus on your goals if you separate them into seperate catagories. The catagories let your mind develop ways to help each happen. Our brains work simaliar to a computer and by labeling the files it is easier for you to recall the goal every day. Next, filing your goals allow you to pull or draw from other information that can be vital in accomplishing that goal. Lastly, Filing goals help you to create a balanced life.

The three catagories I used when setting my goals include: health, wealth, and love. According to all the books I have read, and experience I have gained, goals are not accomplished just because you write them down. In a previous post you will learn that goals are accomplished when you do the following: Read about topics related to your goals, write about ideas and actions to accomplish your goals, investigate or ask people questions that relate to your goal, and lastly, speak or talk about your goals. (do forget you have to provide the actions, take opprotunities, and not procrastinate.

My Goals Broken Down:
Chemical: I will enjoy not smoking and abuseing alchol
Physical: I will enjoy weighin 185 lbs
Mental: I will enjoy reading 3 new books per month
Financial: I will enjoy my first day as a millionare
Work: I will enjoy making over $100,000 a year
Lifestyle: I enjoy vacations once a year and appreciate the people that help around the house.
Friends: I will have 6 groups of friends that get along with my wife
Family: I will spend more time envolved with my family every year.
Sexual: ************** Not appropriate

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