Friday, June 02, 2006

Advertising & Not-for-Profit Organizations

There are two different types of Advertising: Image (Brand) advertising and Retail advertising. Image advertising is a way to change the life styles we live, and the items of importance to a society. Retail advertising is a way to move people to buy a specific product from a specific place.

One good example of Image advertising is a full page advertisement for the YMCA; it may show some kids in the daycare while the parents work out in the gym, the advertisement might read: we build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities. A good example of retail advertising might be the advertisement of ¼ a page for the YMCA, with a coupon for one month’s free membership if you sign up before the following month.

Nonprofit image advertising could be thought of as a way to change the way people think, feel, or act about their organization. Not only that, but image advertising can help people become informed of ways to: donate, volunteer, or participate in a program or service that they wanted to, had the desired to, but never knew, that such a/an program or organization existed.

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