Tuesday, June 06, 2006

What First Money or Mission?

Continue to be money driven and be out of business in a year’s time; and with only mission an organization cannot continue to sever the very people they are trying to help. One good example to understand this principal comes in a story. The story of the little boy who was on a mission to find his dad a father’s day gift:

There was a little boy on a mission to find his dad a father’s day present. The little boy only had a small savings of $5 but it was important for him to go look. He went to the shoe store to look for shoes, but they were too expensive. Next he went to the bakery, but the goods would have molded quickly. He went to the tackle shop, but the fishing lures did not seem to be the perfect gift for his dad.

It was getting late and dark outside. The boy had to be home by dark. He stopped at a watchmakers store on his way home. Out side he ran into a gentleman to whom he told his story about the father’s day gift. The man bent down and handed him $100. The little boy took that $105 into the watchmaker’s store. The kind gentleman was sitting on the bench when he came out of the store.

The man asked the kid, “So, what did you get him?”

The kid responded, “nothing from the watch shop that’s were my dad works!”

“What are you going to get him?” The man asked with a confused look on his face.

The kid responded, “I think I’ll give him an awesome rock I found and a kiss for father’s day. I’ll spend the $105 on candy for my friends and me.”

The moral of the story: the kid’s mission was to find his dad a father’s day gift and the man thought it was money that was important to the kid. Without money organizations can not possibly continue to operate, but without the right mission they would not exist.

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