Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Fiance is the best salesperson ever.

My fiancé is the best salesperson ever.

My fiancé is the best salesperson ever. Not to brag, but I learn a lot of things just from paying attention to her.

It was two days before this past Valentines Day (February 2006). She said to me, “Nathan, what are YOU doing tomorrow?” I just knew what was coming next….. She was going to ask me to go eat lunch with her, or waist my time when I had work to get finished… (I was working on deadline for a few accounts…. in sales).

So, I responded the only way I could, “I’m working tomorrow and it is deadline. I’m really busy. “Awe……pause ...she said. “That’s okay.”

Then she asked me (In her sweet lets go get lunch voice), “where are you going to be at?” and I was on to her trick. I said “all over town.”

She chuckled as she closed the sale on me like this……

“Well that’s great” she snickered….”I picked out my Valentines Day gift. It’s at Victoria’s Secret behind the counter on hold. All you have to do is go there and pick it up!” She said with a huge smile on her face.

What could I say…. She had made it easy, quick, and convenient to buy. How could I honestly say NO!?

I couldn’t!!!!

When I got there, and she had placed not 1 but 2 items on hold. What could I do I had to get both. I was thinking for our first Valentines Day I would spend, ya know, maybe $20 and move up from there over the years. Nope! $150 all because she is a good salesperson…..

Message sent…….message received.

How convenient is your service or program to buy?

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