Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ten Tips for Successful Phone-Drives that Raise More Money

1) Make your donation first
How can you honestly expect someone one at the other end of the phone to make a donation if you yourself haven’t even made a donation? Wanting someone else to do something you are not willing to do dose not make much sense. Do you believe in the organization? Well then make YOUR donation.

2) Have the Story
Every successful phone drive is backed by a strong success story by the organization. Get everyone making the calls to understand the story and be able to recite it from memory. Powerful stories provide pictures for the prospect to visualize when making a big commitment.

3) Your smile will bring their smile
Smile before you dial. It is important to love what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you are not smiling your prospects will be able to tell, and a very small number of pledges will be make that day.

4) Find the decision maker
If the prospect says, “I need to talk to my husband.” You might respond, “Is he the one that will ultimately make this decision.” “I would love to talk to him. When is he available?”

5) Ask for exact amounts
It is better to ask for an exact $25 or $75 commitment. You might say “with your support last year at $25 the organization was able to accomplish amazing things…..this years we would be great if you were in a position to give at the $50 level or higher???”

6) No! “I don’t know enough information”
When a potential donor says “no” all that means is they don’t kNOw enough information about your organization. You believe in it or you would not be calling them. Well you kNOw way more information than they do, and it is your responsibility to help them understand WHY they should donate.

7) Think in their best interest
List the benefits of donating to help the potential donor see how they are exactly helping. If they are going to be recognized tell them how. Getting a potential donor to commit to a donation is as simple as helping them see how they will benefit from the donation……even when they benefit by feeling good about doing something right!!!! Help them to feel the way you feel about the organization!!!

8) Suggest different giving amounts
Never ask for money like this. “We are raising funds for the Boy Scouts. Do you want to donate?” It is better to give them a choice. Try this for example, “we have three levels we are excepting pledges at. First, the bronze level at $25 will help people like Dale make it to camp. The second level is the silver level at $50 and so on….”

9) Negotiate
Often prospects will say I can not afford to give at any of the levels you are asking. That’s Ok! Ask them why. They might respond “I do not have that kind of money available.” Your response might be “that’s ok I know how you feel, many of our top donors felt the same way before they made their decision, what those select few top donors have found out is that giving at that stretch level is not as hard as they had though. In fact year after year they continue to support our organization at the same level. If you would like to be a top donor we can work out a payment schedule.”

10) Follow up! Always follow up!

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